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Product Testimonials 
AnchorRescue - Testimonials

“I use it with a 35# CQR type anchor on my Bristol Channel Cutter. I only needed it once so far but it saved my bacon.

For years I’ve had no problem retrieving my anchor but over the last couple years I’ve had a gnawing feeling that I should plan for some way of getting it back since I do anchor in a lot of rocky areas. I have 300′ of 5/16 HT chain I didn’t fancy cutting short in an emergency.


A couple days ago I anchored for the first time since installing my AnchorRescue (AR100). It was in a kind of weedy area that I expected no problem with. When I pulled anchor next morning I could hear my electric windlass laboring and when the anchor became barely visible I saw it had picked up a cable more than an inch in diameter. I taped a serrated knife to a pole to cut it but discovered it was a steel cable, I’m guessing it must have been an old

logging cable from years ago. Then I remembered my AnchorRescue and was soon free. I did have a bit of trouble til I realized the 1/4″ chain had taken a turn around the anchor shank so I turned the slider with my boat hook, pulled again and I was free. I’m thinking of using a bit of electrical tape now instead of the plastic tie to hopefully keep the slider more lined up.


Needless to say I’m a satisfied customer. I couldn’t believe my first anchoring with the unit was the first time in 20 years I’ve needed it! I must have been psychic when I placed that order.”


Ron Downing

"Also mentioned on Iain’s website “Voyage of Discovery” 2013 under the SotO Log tab and the OCC Flying Fish Archives website, same title,­fish­archive (2014­1).


“I have been very satisfied with the performance of the Anchor Rescue. It was very easy to add to our ground tackle consisting of a Delta (20kg) anchor and chain/nylon rode. We have been sailing in the Med for the past four years and many of the harbors have fouled bottoms from old permanent mooring chains, laid lines and debris. The anchor is used frequently because of Med­mooring (stern­to) and having a “trip line” i.e. Anchor Rescue when weighing

anchor is very reassuring. It has performed as advertised in both instances when it was

utilized. The Anchor Rescue hasn’t adversely affected regular anchoring function.”


Gary L Klouda

“We had unknowingly laid our anchor over an abandoned ship’s chain when mooring stern­to at the cruising ships’ jetty at Argostoli, Cephalonia, Greece. Firmly stuck under the weight of the chain, I suddenly remembered having acquired an AnchorRescue system some years before, never previously used. I am delighted to report that it worked exactly as advertised. If you don’t carry one then I would strongly recommend it.”


Iain Simpson

“A few years ago we sailed to Cuttyhunk Harbor in Massachusetts. The moorings were all taken so we needed to anchor outside. During the night the wind came up and changed directions almost 180 degrees. The good news is we stayed put all night. The bad news is we hooked our anchor on an underwater cable. The wind was up and it looked like we had no chance of getting off. The anchor rescue came to the rescue. We dropped the collar, picked up the back out chain and removed the spade anchor from the cable. It was a lifesaver. I will never be without it again.”


Jeff Rasmussen

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