Boats and Photos
Which boat do you have? We have thousands of mounting drawings and photographs of Monitor, Auto-helm, and Saye's Rig installations on file. We will email or snail mail printouts of our recommendations for your boat. Let us know which boat you have and which products you are interested in.
We've completed uploading a 30-year collection of our windvane mounting photos - about five thousand of them! Here you will find a drawing list and a photo record from over 30 years of windvane installations. You'll find old Monitors, new Monitors, Auto-helms and Saye's Rigs, uncommon and common boats, and clever operating line installations - browse and find how other sailors have set up and rigged their windvanes.
PLEASE NOTE: Our Monitor mounting designs have changed over time, as we've gotten feedback from our customers. Some of the early photos may show mounting setups that have been changed. In some of the larger photo sets, you may find several different mounting systems shown for a given boat.
Given the quantity of photos we have and the length of time we've been collecting errors are bound to have crept in. If you can identify an unknown boat, or correct a boat name or type, contact us! We'd be happy for any information you can supply to help organize this huge database.
MONITOR OWNERS - if you have photos of your boat either sailing with your Monitor, or just anchored in some dreamy location, send them in! We'll post them and all information sent in - your name, boat's name, location & date.
Boats we have installed our products on -
PAGE 14. 100 boats per page. Go to page: