Radford 450
We designed both a Monitor and an Auto-helm mount for "Micah Rose", but because the owner wanted to retain use of the extendable davits while sailing he opted for the Auto-helm. The gear was installed in early 2002. In October of 2005 we were informed by Mike Rentel (Peterson 41 "High Noon") that Lindy Jones' "Micah Rose" had returned to Alaska after an Around the Pacific trip, out to New Zealand and back. Thanks, Mike!
Images of Auto-helm: 5
Radford 450
"Micah Rose" - Auke Bay, Juneau, Alaska
Radford 450
"Micah Rose" - Auke Bay, Juneau, Alaska
Radford 450
"Micah Rose" - Auke Bay, Juneau, Alaska
Radford 450
"Micah Rose" - Auke Bay, Juneau, Alaska
Radford 450
"Micah Rose" - Auke Bay, Juneau, Alaska